STOPnik configuration is a simple YAML file.
By default STOPnik will use the config.yml
in the same directory as the executable.
The possible configuration options are listed in the next section.
As STOPnik is under heavy development right now, the configuration may change.
Configuration file
The configuration file (e.g. config.yml
) may contain different root options which are described here as followed
Property | Description | Required |
server | Server configuration | Yes |
ui | User interface configuration | No |
clients | List of clients | Yes |
users | List of users | Yes |
classification | Classification | No |
Server configuration
Root entry named server
Property | Description | Required |
logLevel | Log level | No |
addr | Go like address, may contain IP and port | Yes |
cookies | Configuration related to cookie names | No |
secret | Server secret | No |
privateKey | General RSA or EC private key (can be overwritten for each client) to sign tokens | No |
tls | Configuration for TLS | No |
logoutRedirect | Where to redirect user after logout | No |
introspectScope | Scope which allows token introspection | No |
revokeScopeScope | Scope which allows token revocation | No |
sessionTimeoutSeconds | Seconds until session will end | No |
issuer | Issuer | No |
forwardAuth | Traefik ForwardAuth configuration | No |
Public and private keys to sign tokens
Entry server.tls
Property | Description | Required |
addr | Go like address, may contain IP and port | Yes |
keys | Public and private keys for TLS | Yes |
TLS keys
Public and private keys for TLS
Entry server.tls.keys
Property | Description | Required |
cert | Certificate file | Yes |
key | Key file | Yes |
Public and private keys to sign tokens
Entry server.cookies
Property | Description | Required |
authName | Name of the authorization cookie | No |
messageName | Name of internal message cookie | No |
forwardAuthName | Name of internal ForwardAuth cookie | No |
STOPnik supports Traefik ForwardAuth out of the box.
Entry server.forwardAuth
Property | Description | Required |
endpoint | Internal endpoint to be called by Traefik | No |
externalUrl | URL of STOPnik to redirect the user for a login | No |
parameterName | URL parameter used by STOPnik for ForwardAuth | No |
redirects | List of redirects URIs | No |
User interface configuration
Root entry named ui
Property | Description | Required |
hideFooter | Will hide the STOPnik footer | No |
hideLogo | Will hide the STOPnik logo | No |
htmlTitle | HTML page title | No |
title | Title displayed above the forms | No |
footerText | The footer text | No |
logoImage | Path of additional logo image | No |
invalidCredentialsMessage | Message to show for invalid credentials | No |
expiredLoginMessage | Message to show when login expired | No |
List of clients
Root entry clients
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
id | The id of the client | Yes |
clientSecret | SHA512 hashed secret | No |
salt | Optional salt for secret to avoid identical hash values | No |
oidc | Flag to allow an client to handle OpenId Connect | No |
accessTTL | Access token time to live | No |
refreshTTL | Refresh token time to live | No |
idTTL | OpenId Connect ID token time to live | No |
introspect | Introspection scope | No |
revoke | Revocation scope | No |
redirects | List of redirects URIs | No |
opaqueToken | Use opaque token | No |
passwordFallbackAllowed | Form auth allowed | No |
audience | Audience | No |
privateKey | RSA or EC private key to sign tokens | No |
For clientSecret
and salt
see, Command line - Password
If no clientSecret
is provided, the client is handled as public client, otherwise it will become a confidential client.
List of users
Root entry users
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
username | Username | Yes |
password | SHA512 hashed password | Yes |
salt | Optional salt for password to avoid identical hash values | No |
userProfile | User profile which will be used for OpenId Connect UserInfo | No |
userInformation | User information which will be used for OpenId Connect UserInfo | No |
For password
and salt
see, Command line - Password
User profile
User profile which will be used for OpenId Connect UserInfo
Entry users[n].userProfile
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
givenName | Given name | No |
familyName | Family name | No |
nickname | Nickname | No |
preferredUserName | Preferred username | No |
gender | Gender | No |
birthDate | Birthdate | No |
zoneInfo | Zone information | No |
locale | locale | No |
website | Website URL | No |
profile | Profile URL | No |
picture | Profile picture URL | No |
User information
User information which will be used for OpenId Connect UserInfo
Entry users[n].userInformation
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
email | E-Mail address | No |
emailVerified | E-Mail address verification flag | No |
phoneNumber | Phone number | No |
phoneVerified | Phone number verification flag | No |
address | User address | No |
User address
User address which will be used for OpenId Connect UserInfo
Entry users[n].userInformation.address
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
street | Street | No |
city | City | No |
postalCode | Postal code | No |
region | Region | No |
country | Country | No |
List of classification entries
Root entry classification
A classification entry allows to add specific claims to access token (if is a JWT), to ID token and to the user info endpoint described in OpenID Connect Core 1.0
When scope
or scopes
are used, the listed claims
will only be returned if the scope was requested.
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
user | A specific user | No |
users | List of users | No |
client | A specific client | No |
clients | List of clients | No |
scope | A specific scope | No |
scopes | List of scopes | No |
claims | List of claims | No |
The options for user
+ users
, client
+ clients
, scope
+ scopes
will be merged into one specific list.
So the single value may be considered as shortcut, if you do not need a list at all.
Values for user
+ users
, client
+ clients
, scope
+ scopes
will be used in a distinct manner.
List of client claims
Entry classification[n].calims
Each entry may contain the following options
Property | Description | Required |
name | Name | Yes |
scope | A specific scope | No |
scopes | List of scopes | No |
value | A specific value | Yes, if values not used |
values | List of value | Yes, if value not used |
The options for scope
+ scopes
will be merged into one list.
So the single value may be considered as shortcut, if you do not need a list at all.
Values for scope
+ scopes
will be used in a distinct manner.
When claim scopes are used, the listed claims will only be returned if the scope was requested.
If the parent classification has set scopes the scopes are used in addition to the claim scopes.
Minimal configuration
The shown config.yml
is the minimal version possible.
It only defines the HTTP port STOPnik should listen on, one client and one user.
After starting locally with this configuration, STOPnik will be accessible at
addr: :8080
- id: testclient
clientSecret: d82c4eb5261cb9c8aa9855edd67d1bd10482f41529858d925094d173fa662aa91ff39bc5b188615273484021dfb16fd8284cf684ccf0fc795be3aa2fc1e6c181
- username: foo
password: d82c4eb5261cb9c8aa9855edd67d1bd10482f41529858d925094d173fa662aa91ff39bc5b188615273484021dfb16fd8284cf684ccf0fc795be3aa2fc1e6c181
Development configuration
The shown config.yml
is used during development and can be
found in the repository.
This configuration uses self-singed TLS certificates, keys and a privates key located in the .test_files
# logLevel: debug
authName: stopnik_auth
messageName: stopnik_message
#logoutRedirect: http://localhost:8080
externalUrl: http://localhost:9090
#externalUrl: http://stopnik.localhost:9090 #ext
- http://localhost:9090*
- http://whoami.localhost:9090*
secret: WRYldij9ebtDZ5VJSsxNAfCZ
privateKey: ./.test_files/rsa256key.pem
addr: :8082
addr: :8081
cert: ./.test_files/server.crt
key: ./.test_files/server.key
# hideFooter: true
# hideLogo: true
# footerText: Some nice line!
# title: Test realm
- id: testclient
clientSecret: 43a77b3b7f74190654023e68a972b4b0dc21a90be9b85e80222d7bce31eb02ce3205a5fed49a7710afd0ba1fcb97b793d67b5b7ae69607461cdac1a235610dd8
salt: 123
accessTTL: 5
refreshTTL: 15
idTTL: 15
oidc: true
introspect: true
- http://localhost:8080/session/callback
- http://localhost:5173/reporting/oidc-callback*
- http://localhost:8082/health
- id: testclient2
clientSecret: deb920477e822d9373831d5521749d3685a3c359504139eb3ff61c7d2fe91986b1978aa1a7834bb304762699b05da2700319e5d60c1183f6f9f66f9c6e73e34e
salt: abc
accessTTL: 5
refreshTTL: 15
opaqueToken: true
- id: testclient3
clientSecret: 1efcbc37f7d7e2f9f8cf009b91c95b2b7b913b89d36a21a05da1e3cb396ed1ab0e596e2b649e9407367e40d852ac4d0abfcfc1c4227eb661385e9f2e0f3203ca
salt: 321
accessTTL: 5
refreshTTL: 15
privateKey: ./.test_files/ecdsa521key.pem
- username: foo
password: 695e6f39f5ffd36ae60e0ade727c892d725531455a19c6035cb739d099e8f20e63d3fdfd3241888e38de1d8db85532dd65f817b12fe33ac7cdcc358ef6c8ea23
salt: moo
- foo_role
- bar_role
givenName: John
familyName: Doe
emailVerified: true
phoneNumber: 555 1234 5678
phoneVerified: true
street: Mainstreet 1
city: Sometown
postalCode: 12345
country: Boom
- user: foo
users: ['foo', 'bar', 'moo'] # 2nd definition of 'foo', will only be used once
client: testclient
scope: my_scope
- name: some
value: some_value
scope: blabla
- name: other
- abc
- def