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Command line

STOPnik provides multiple parameters which can be used when starting from command line.

Usage of ./stopnik:
-file string
Configuration file to use (default "config.yml")
Show help message
Ask for password and salt to create hash
Show version information


The -help parameter will show the usage information.


The -version parameter will show the version information.

Configuration file

The -file <location> parameter can be used to point to a configuration file, otherwise STOPnik will try to read the config.yml from the working directory.


The -password parameter will prompt for password/secret and an optional salt. The result can be used in the configuration file for client secret and user password.


The password and salt will be asked and shown using stdin and stdout, someone standing next to you can see them in your terminal application!


When not using an additional salt value, a SHA 512 hash is used as user password or client secret. This value can also be created with other tools.

To create the hash value for the password bar for example, the following command can be used

echo -n bar | shasum -a 512
d82c4eb5261cb9c8aa9855edd67d1bd10482f41529858d925094d173fa662aa91ff39bc5b188615273484021dfb16fd8284cf684ccf0fc795be3aa2fc1e6c181 -