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Build STOPnik executable

Requires Git and Go >=1.23 to be installed.

To build STOPnik the repository should be cloned and the build command executed.

git clone
cd stopnik
go build

And then start STOPnik with


Execute test

Execute tests inside the repository root folder with

go test ./...

To get access to the HTML coverage report the following script can be executed

./ html

The coverage report will be created in the .test_coverage folder

Access documentation website locally

The current documentation is created with the help of Docusaurus .


To be able to build and access the website on your local machine NodeJS must be installed.

To access the website on your local machine change to the website directory and execute the following commands

Install dependencies

npm install

Start documentation website

npm start


The documentation website will become available on your local machine at http://localhost:3000/